Peeta vs Gale
Edward vs Jacob
Maxon vs Aspen
Will vs Jem
LOL… I could go on and on because ALMOST every YA book has one. One of the things I appreciated about the Divergent series… except for some weirdness in book three is there wasn’t really a love triangle. I liked the commitment between Tris and Four.
I know why they are there, though. They create tension. You see it ALL the time in TV shows and movies, too. Will they or won’t they? Tension.
When life get too comfortable for the main character it gets boring. So in steps a new love interest to shake things up a bit. To keep you guessing.
My biggest problem with love triangles is not the triangle itself but when each character is set up one way, and then they change drastically for reasons no deeper than they had a bad morning or got jealous . I particularly don’t like when in book one a love interest is awesome… sweet, kind, caring, devoted to our protagonist… then boom, book two hits and now he’s a jerk so the jerky guy from book one can step in and be awesome.
I don’t like that.
It’s one of the reasons I liked Hunger Games… yes, there was the will they won’t they. But not because Peeta suddenly becomes a jerk for no reason (things did get weird after the torture and brainwashing and all, but that wasn’t his fault). And Gale never really was a jerk, he only made a few choices he couldn’t know were bad when he made them.
When circumstances clearly change the characters the story becomes more interesting. Not simply that a love interest is suddenly good or bad or just more dreamy that day, and so the main character likes them more. I want some depth here people. 🙂
“Hotness” is good… but add in some depth and whoa…
What are your thoughts? Do you love or hate love triangles?
Do you have any favorites? Share them below and why you like them (or hated them).
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