Young Adult Coloring Books
Adult coloring books are the newest fad, so why shouldn’t young adult book authors get into the action! There are not a lot of accompanying coloring books for YA book fans, but I found a few you might enjoy on Amazon. And I have seen on The Lunar Chronicles Website that one is coming out for that series at the end of the year (2016)!
Personally, I really think Young Adult Coloring Books are super fun. In fact I think they are SO fun that I made one for Configured you can download for FREE!
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Harry Potter Young Adult Coloring book
Do you love the Harry Potter Series? They you are definitely going to want to check out these four Harry Potter Coloring Books!
Enjoy the series again in a whole new way!
Doctor Who Young Adult Coloring Book
Are you a fan of the Doctor Who TV Series or the book series? Either way check out these fun Doctor Who Coloring Books!
Lord of the Rings Coloring Book
Ready for a new quest? Follow all your favorite elves, wizards and hobbits through this fun coloring book.
Game of Thrones Coloring book
Ok… not Young Adult. But for GOT fans, this is a must!
The Chronicles of Narnia Young Adult Coloring Book
Narnia was one of my FAVORITE series growing up and I definitely think it’s a must for younger YA readers! And even better when you have a coloring book to go with it!
Firefly Coloring Book
Again, not YA. But Firefly is cult classic for sci-fi fans!
Supernatural Young Adult Coloring Book
Big CW fan? Snag this Supernatural coloring book and relive the series all over again!
That’s all I could find for now. If you know of any more young adult coloring books let the links in the comments and I will try to ad them!
Izzy Smurf says
The Lunar Chronicles has a colouring book:
So does the Selection Series:
And the Red Queen Series:
And finally, the Throne of Glass series: